@portlet Tag Reference

Tags for creation of Portlet resources

Applies to:

@portlet Method Level Tags

@portlet Field Level Tags

@portlet Class Level Tag Usage

@portlet.portlet (0..1)

Defines a portlet class.

Applies to: Applicable to all portlets.

display-nametext The portlet's description. false
display-nametext The portlet's display-name. The display-name contains a short name that is intended to be displayed by tools. The display name need not be unique. false
expiration-cachetext The time (in seconds) after which the portlet output expires. -1 indicates that the output never expires. false
nametext The canonical name of the portlet. Must be unique within the portlet application. true
portlet-classtext The class that should be used for the <portlet-class> tag. Used for struts-based portlets where your Action class is not directly called by the porlet container. false

@portlet.portlet-info (0..1)

Defines additional portlet information.

Applies to: Applicable to all portlets.

titletext Static title for the portlet. false
keywordstext Comma-separate list of keywords associated with this portlet. false
short-titletext Short version of the portlet's static title. false

@portlet.portlet-init-param (0..*)

Defines a portlet initialization parameter.

Applies to: Applicable to all portlets.

descriptiontext The init parameter's description. false
nametext The name of the initialization parameter. true
valuetext The value of the initialization parameter. true

@portlet.preference (0..*)

Defines portlet preference. A preference is configuration data for the portlet that the portlet user is allowed to set when customizing their portal.

Applies to: Applicable to all portlets.

read-onlytext If "true", the preference cannot be modified by the user. false
nametext The name of the preference. true
valuetext The initial value of the preference. This value can be overridden when each user customizes their portlet. true

@portlet.preferences-validator (0..1)

Declares the portlet's preferences validator.

Applies to: Applicable to all portlets.

classtext The fully qualified class name of the preferences validator. true

@portlet.security-role-ref (0..*)

Declares a security role reference for the portlet.

Applies to: Applicable to all portlets.

descriptiontext The description of the security role reference. false
role-linktext The description of the security role reference. true
role-nametext The description of the security role reference. true

@portlet.supports (0..*)

Defines what portlet modes (edit,help,view) are supported for a particular mime-type.

Applies to: Applicable to all portlets.

mime-typetext The mime-type for which mode-support is being defined. true
modestext A comma-separated list of modes supported by the specified mime-type. true

@portlet Method Level Tag Usage

@portlet Field Level Tag Usage