@wsee Tag Reference

Web Services

Applies to: Session Bean and JAXRPC Tags

@wsee Method Level Tags


@wsee Field Level Tags


@wsee Class Level Tag Usage

@wsee.handler (0..*)

adds a jaxrpc handler to the chain

nametextThe name of the handlertrue
handler-classtextThe implementation class to be usedtrue
soap-header-namespace-uritextThe namespace of the qname of the soap header to be processed by the handlertrue
soap-header-local-parttextThe local part of the qname of the soap header to be processed by the handlertrue
soap-roletextThe role of the handlertrue

@wsee.jaxrpc-mapping (0..1)

specifies an xml type mapping

root-type-qnametextIdentification of the WSDL QName of a XML type. This is mutually exclusive with anonymous-type-qname.false
anonymous-type-qnametextIdentification of the WSDL QName of an anonymous XML type. This is mutually exclusive with root-type-qname.false

@wsee.port-component (0..1)

Declares this class as a web service port component.

nametextName of the port. Unique within the applicationtrue
display-nametextThe display name of the portfalse
small-icontextThe icon for the portfalse
large-icontextThe icon for the portfalse
descriptiontextA description for the portfalse

@wsee Method Level Tag Usage

@wsee.variable-mapping (0..1)

specifies a data element

nametextname of the data elementtrue

@wsee Field Level Tag Usage

@wsee.variable-mapping (0..1)

specifies a data element

nametextname of the data elementtrue