@jmx Tag Reference

jmx tags

Applies to: Any class may be an mbean

@jmx Field Level Tags

@jmx Class Level Tag Usage

@jmx.mbean (0..1)

The jmx.mbean tag identifies the class as an mbean. It can be used to generate the interface for a standard mbean and the jboss specific xmbean xml descriptor and service.xml file format.

Applies to: identifies the class as an mbean

extendstext Specifies the superclass for the standard mbean interface. false
nametext Specifies the object name for mlet or it can be used as a default in an extension template. false
descriptiontext Specifies a description for the mbean that can be used in mbean infos. false
persistPolicytext Specifies the persistence policy for this mbean
Valid options are:




persistPeriodtext Specifies when the mbean state will be saved. false
persistLocationtext Specifies the location for the mbean's state to be saved. false
persistNametext Specifies the name to identify the mbeans saved state with. false
persistence-managertext Specifies the fully qualified class name of a persistence manager for this mbean (JBoss specific). false
currencyTimeLimittext Specifies how long the mbeans state may be considered valid. false
state-action-on-updatetext Specifies what the jboss state management should do when an attribute is updated on a started mbean. (jboss specific). false
descriptortext Specifies an additional custom descriptor for the mbean that can be used in mbean infos. To make this work as an xdoclet parameter, you need to escape the double quotes: descriptor="name=\"name\" value=\"value\"" false

@jmx.mlet-entry (0..1)

The jmx.mlet-entry tag allows you to specify entries for a generated mlet.

Applies to: well, you need the jmx.mbean tag also.

archivetext Specifies the ARCHIVE property for an mlet configuration. false
codebasetext Specifies the path to the package for the mbean class. false

@jmx.notification (0..*)

Defines a jmx notification.

Applies to: The jmx.notification tag can be used multiple times in any mbean.

descriptiontext Specifies the description for the notification. false
nametext Specifies the name for the notification. true
persistPolicytext Specifies the persistence policy for this mbean
Valid options are:




persistPeriodtext Specifies when the mbean state will be saved. Not sure how this applies to notifications. false
persistLocationtext Specifies the location for the mbean's state to be saved. Not sure how this applies to notifications. false
persistNametext Specifies the name to identify the mbeans saved state with. Not sure how this applies to notifications. false
currencyTimeLimittext Specifies how long the mbeans state may be considered valid. Not sure how this applies to notifications. false
descriptortext Specifies an additional custom descriptor for the mbean that can be used in mbean infos. This should be of the form name="name" value="value". To make this work as an xdoclet parameter, you need to escape the double quotes: descriptor="name=\"name\" value=\"value\"" false

@jmx Method Level Tag Usage

@jmx.managed-attribute (0..1)

Defines a jmx managed attribute. This method will be included in a standard mbean interface and an attribute based on its name will be included as a managed atribute in xmbean metadata. This must be included on any getter or setter you want exposed in a standard mbean. For xmbeans, the methods with these tags will be identified as the getMethod and setMethod for the attribute.

Applies to: The jmx.managed-attribute tag can be used on any method.

accesstext Specifies the access to the managed-attribute: read-only, write-only or read-write.
Valid options are:




Default value(s):

descriptiontext Specifies a description for the managed attribute that can be used in mbean infos. false
persistPolicytext Specifies the persistence policy for this mbean
Valid options are:




persistPeriodtext Specifies when the mbean state will be saved. false
persistLocationtext Specifies the location for the mbean's state to be saved. false
persistNametext Specifies the name to identify the mbeans saved state with. false
currencyTimeLimittext Specifies how long the mbeans state may be considered valid. false
state-action-on-updatetext Specifies what the jboss state management should do when an attribute is updated on a started mbean. (jboss specific). false
valuetext Specifies the (initial) value for the managed attribute. This is used in the jboss *-service.xml file and the xmbean descriptor. In both cases the result is the value is set as the initial value of the newly deployed mbean. false
descriptortext Specifies an additional custom descriptor for the mbean that can be used in mbean infos. This should be of the form name="name" value="value". To make this work as an xdoclet parameter, you need to escape the double quotes: descriptor="name=\"name\" value=\"value\"" false

@jmx.managed-operation (0..1)

Defines a jmx managed operation. This method will be included in a standard mbean interface and marked as a managed operation in xmbean metadata. jmx.managed-parameter tags must be used to describe the parameters.

Applies to: The jmx.managed-operation tag can be used on any method.

impacttext Specifies the impact of the operation.
Valid options are:




Default value(s):

descriptiontext Specifies a description for the managed operation that can be used in mbean infos. false

@jmx Field Level Tag Usage