Generic subtask for processing a user-supplied template. The template is specified in the templateFile
configuration parameter. It operates in two modes: per class and single output.
Implementing Class
Attribute | Description | Required |
destinationFile | The destination file name. If a {0} is found it's assumed that a per class output generation is needed, so {0} is substituted with class name; otherwise a single file is generated with the specified name. | Yes |
extent | You can control the extent in which the type search occurs. Valid values are: concrete-type , superclass and hierarchy . | No. Default is "hierarchy" |
acceptInterfaces | Indicates whether or not to generate for interfaces.
| No, default is "true" |
acceptAbstractClasses | Indicates whether or not to generate for abstract classes.
| No, default is "true" |
packageSubstitutions | Sets the PackageSubstitutions attribute of the TemplateSubTask object
| No. |
packageSubstitutionInheritanceSupported | Indicates whether or not package substitution should be inherited
| No, default is "true" |
prefixWithPackageStructure | Indicates whether or not to prefix with package structure.
| No, default is "true" |
destinationFile | The destination file name. If a {0} is found it's assumed that a per class output generation is needed, so {0} is substituted with class name; otherwise a single file is generated with the specified name.
| No, default is determined by this task. |
templateFile | Sets the name of the template file to use for generation
| No, default is determined by this task. |
havingClassTag | Sets the HavingClassTag attribute of the TemplateSubTask object
| No. |
ofType |
| No. |
subTaskName | Sets an optional name for the subtask that will be seen in XDoclet's debug messages.
| No. |
destDir | Sets the directory where the generated file(s) will be written.
| No. |
mergeDir | Specifies the location of the merge directory. This is where XDoclet will look for merge files.
| No. |