1 package xdoclet.sdk.xgg.betwixt;
3 import xdoclet.sdk.xgg.XGGPojo;
4 import xdoclet.util.ClasspathManager;
5 import xdoclet.util.betwixt.BetwixtConfigurer;
6 import xdoclet.plugins.BetwixtPlugin;
8 import java.util.List;
9 import java.util.Iterator;
10 import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
11 import java.io.IOException;
12 import java.io.File;
14 import org.apache.commons.betwixt.io.BeanReader;
15 import org.apache.commons.betwixt.XMLIntrospector;
16 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
17 import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
18 import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
20 /***
21 * This Ant task configures and serialises a {@link BeanReader}
22 * object to disk. It should be used as a post processor after compiling Java Beans
23 * creates by {@link xdoclet.sdk.xgg.XGGPlugin}. The idea is to have a preconfigured
24 * BeanReader for a set of Java Beans. Since constructing a BeanReader
25 * can be a time consuming process for complex sets of Java Beans, we're doing this
26 * when the plugin is packaged. The {@link xdoclet.plugins.BetwixtPlugin} will then
27 * try to deserialise the serialised BeanReader when it starts up, which
28 * is a lot faster.
29 *
30 * @bean.class name="betwixt-registryserializer"
31 * displayName="Betwixt BeanReaderSerializer"
32 * shortDescription="XDoclet SDK Ant task that serializes XMLBeanInfoRegistry"
33 *
34 * @bean.icon color16="betwixt-registryserializer.gif"
35 *
36 * @author <a href="mailto:aslak.hellesoy at bekk.no">Aslak Hellesøy</a>
37 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
38 */
39 public class BeanReaderSerializer extends Task {
41 private File _root;
42 private String _package;
43 // private static final ElementDescriptorComparator _elementDescriptorComparator = new ElementDescriptorComparator();
45 public void setRoot( File root ) {
46 _root = root;
47 }
49 /***
50 * Set the package where the serialised file should be written.
51 * @param pakkage
52 */
53 public void setPackage( String pakkage ) {
54 _package = pakkage;
55 }
57 public void execute() {
58 if( _root == null ) {
59 throw new BuildException("root must be set.");
60 }
61 if( !_root.exists() || !_root.isDirectory() ) {
62 throw new BuildException("root must be an existing directory containing Java Bean classes and a Meta-Inf/MANIFEST.MF declaring them.");
63 }
65 // pass by ref.
66 String[] pa = new String[] { null };
67 BeanReader beanReader = createBeanReader( _root, pa );
69 String pakkage = _package != null ? _package : pa[0];
70 String path = pakkage.replace( '.', '/' );
71 if( pakkage == null ) {
72 throw new BuildException( "There were no Java Beans in " + _root.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + path );
73 }
75 try {
76 File registrySer = new File( _root, path + '/' + BetwixtPlugin.SERIALIZED_BEANREADER );
77 java.io.FileOutputStream fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream( registrySer );
78 java.io.ObjectOutputStream oos = new java.io.ObjectOutputStream(fos);
79 oos.writeObject(beanReader);
80 } catch( IOException e ) {
81 e.printStackTrace();
82 throw new BuildException( "Couldn't serialise XMLBeanInfoRegistry" );
83 }
84 }
86 public static BeanReader createBeanReader( File root, String[] pakkage ) {
87 XMLIntrospector introspector = new XMLIntrospector();
88 BetwixtConfigurer.configureIntrospector( introspector, null );
90 BeanReader beanReader = new BeanReader();
91 beanReader.setXMLIntrospector( introspector );
93 ClasspathManager classpathManager = new ClasspathManager( root.getAbsolutePath() );
94 List beanClasses = classpathManager.findJavaBeans();
95 for( Iterator i = beanClasses.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
96 Class beanClass = ( Class ) i.next();
97 // Let Betwixt introspect beans generated by the XGG SDK plugin.
98 if( XGGPojo.class.isAssignableFrom( beanClass ) ) {
99 try {
100 if( pakkage != null ) {
101 // package wasn't explicitly set. discover it from the beans.
102 String beanPackage = ClasspathManager.getPackage( beanClass );
103 if( pakkage[0] != null && !pakkage[0].equals(beanPackage) ) {
104 throw new BuildException( "All beans should be in the same package. Found beans in " + pakkage[0] + " and " + beanPackage );
105 }
106 pakkage[0] = beanPackage;
107 }
108 beanReader.registerBeanClass( beanClass );
110 // Now, the elements are not properly ordered. Order them!
111 // XMLBeanInfo xmlInfo = introspector.introspect( beanClass );
112 // ElementDescriptor elementDescriptor = xmlInfo.getElementDescriptor();
113 // ElementDescriptor[] children = elementDescriptor.getElementDescriptors();
114 // Arrays.sort( children, _elementDescriptorComparator);
116 } catch( IntrospectionException e ) {
117 LogFactory.getLog(BeanReaderSerializer.class).error("Couldn't introspect Java Bean class " + beanClass.getName(),e);
118 throw new IllegalStateException( "Couldn't introspect Java Bean class " + beanClass.getName() );
119 } catch( IllegalStateException e ) {
120 LogFactory.getLog(BeanReaderSerializer.class).error("Couldn't introspect Java Bean class " + beanClass.getName(),e);
121 throw new IllegalStateException( "Couldn't introspect Java Bean class " + beanClass.getName() );
122 }
123 }
124 }
125 return beanReader;
126 }
128 /*
129 private class ElementDescriptorComparator implements Comparator {
130 public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 ) {
131 ElementDescriptor e1 = (ElementDescriptor) o1;
132 ElementDescriptor e2 = (ElementDescriptor) o1;
133 e2.
134 }
136 private int getOrder( ) {
137 BeanInfo beanInfo1 = null;
138 String orderValue = (String) beanInfo1.getBeanDescriptor().getValue( "order" );
139 int orderId = Integer.parseInt( orderValue );
140 return orderId
141 }
142 }
143 */
144 }
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