Uses of Class

Packages that use XDocletException
xdoclet XDoclet core classes.  
xdoclet.plugins Various XDoclet Plugin implementations. 
xdoclet.sdk.ant Ant part of the SDK.  
xdoclet.sdk.xgg XML Generator Generator part of the SDK.  
xdoclet.sdk.xgg.binding Datamodel for XGG. 
xdoclet.util.predicates Various Predicate implementations.  
xdoclet.xjavadoc XJavaDoc related functionality. 

Uses of XDocletException in xdoclet

Methods in xdoclet that throw XDocletException
 MetadataProvider XDoclet.createMetadataProvider(String name)
 void XDoclet.setClasspath(String classpath)
          Sets the classpath under which XDoclet is run.
 void XDoclet.execute()
          Executes all the plugins.
 void XDoclet.generateBuildXmlMaybe()
 Object XDoclet.createElement(String name)
          Called by AntProxy.createDynamicElement(java.lang.String) when a dynamic element is added to the XDoclet task.
 Plugin XDoclet.createPlugin(String name)
          Adds a new Plugin.
 Plugin PluginFactory.createPlugin(String pluginName, XDoclet xdoclet)
          Creates a new plugin and attaches it to an XDoclet instance.
 MetadataProvider PluginFactory.createMetadataProvider(String name, XDoclet xdoclet)
 void Plugin.execute()
          Generates the content.
protected abstract  void Plugin.generate(File destinationFile, Collection metaData)
          Generates a file.
protected abstract  void Plugin.generate(File destinationFile, Object metaData)
          Generates a file.
protected  void Plugin.validate()
protected  Collection Plugin.getFilteredMetadataCollection()
          Gets all accepted objects.
 File Plugin.getDestinationFileForAll()
          Returns the destination file derived from a particular object.
 File Plugin.getDestinationFileForOne(Object object)
          Returns the destination file derived from a particular object.
protected static void Plugin.checkClass(String className)
          Throws XDocletException if a specific class is not on the CP.
 Collection Plugin.AcreateMetadataCollection()
 String Plugin.AgetFilenameSubstitutionValue(Object o)
 void Plugin.Acleanup()
 void Plugin.AsetClasspath(String classpath)
 Collection MetadataProvider.createMetadataCollection()
          Returns a Collection of objects that should be used as basis for code generation.
 String MetadataProvider.getFilenameSubstitutionValue(Object o)
          Returns the string that will be replaced in the {0} part of the file name.
 void MetadataProvider.cleanup()
          Frees any resources and does any other necessary work before shutting down.
 void MetadataProvider.setClasspath(String classpath)
          Sets the classpath.
 Object Accept.createElement(String predicateType)
          This method is here so that the predicate can be set from Ant.

Uses of XDocletException in xdoclet.plugins

Methods in xdoclet.plugins that throw XDocletException
protected  void VelocityPlugin.generate(File file, Collection metaData)
protected  void VelocityPlugin.generate(File file, Object metaData)
protected  void ScriptPlugin.validate()
 void ScriptPlugin.execute()
protected  void ScriptPlugin.generate(File destinationFile, Collection metaData)
protected  void ScriptPlugin.generate(File destinationFile, Object metaData)
protected  void JellyPlugin.generate(File file, Collection metaData)
protected  void JellyPlugin.generate(File file, Object metaData)
protected  Object BetwixtPlugin.parse(String mergeFile)
           Parses an XML stream into a bean.
protected  void BetwixtPlugin.generate(File file, Object metaData)
protected  void BetwixtPlugin.generate(File file, Collection metaData)
protected  void BetwixtPlugin.populate(XGGPojo root, Object metaData)
          Populates the XML tree.
protected  void BetwixtPlugin.populate(XGGPojo root, Collection metaData)
          Populates the XML tree.

Uses of XDocletException in xdoclet.sdk.ant

Methods in xdoclet.sdk.ant that throw XDocletException
 Collection BuildXmlMetadataProvider.createMetadataCollection()
 void BuildXmlMetadataProvider.setClasspath(String classpath)
 String AntUtil.elementName(XMethod method)
          Provides the element name for the current method
 String AntUtil.displayAttributeType(XMethod method)
 String AntUtil.displayElementType()
 String AntUtil.elementType()
          Provides the element type for the current method
 String AntUtil.shortMethodDescription(XMethod method)

Constructors in xdoclet.sdk.ant that throw XDocletException
PropertyMethodPredicate(XClass clazz)

Uses of XDocletException in xdoclet.sdk.xgg

Methods in xdoclet.sdk.xgg that throw XDocletException
 void XGGPlugin.execute()
          Description of the Method

Uses of XDocletException in xdoclet.sdk.xgg.binding

Methods in xdoclet.sdk.xgg.binding that throw XDocletException
static String NamingUtils.getSchemaJavaType(String schemaType)
           This will take as input an XML Schema data type (such as "string") and convert it to a Java data type (such as "String").
 Collection Binder.getElements()
          Returns a collection of Element objects, representing the DTD/XSD/RNG structure.
 void Binder.setConstraints(File constraints)
          Sets the DTD or XSD file to generate from.

Uses of XDocletException in xdoclet.util.predicates

Subclasses of XDocletException in xdoclet.util.predicates
 class PredicateException
          This exception can be thrown by PredicateFactory.

Uses of XDocletException in xdoclet.xjavadoc

Methods in xdoclet.xjavadoc that throw XDocletException
 void XJavadocMetadataProvider.setClasspath(String classpath)
 Collection XJavadocMetadataProvider.createMetadataCollection()
          Returns a Collection of objects that should be used as basis for code generation. It's up to the Plugins to handle the elements in the Collection. Special Plugins will expect the elements in the Collection to be of a certain type.
 void XJavadocMetadataProvider.cleanup()

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