IDE Integration

IntelliJ IDEA

A set of live templates for IntelliJ IDEA development environment are provided. Copy xdoclet.xml (right click and use "Save Target As...") file to $idea$/config/templates folder. Here are the live templates:

Inside class comments
ejb.cmp, ejb.bmp, ejb.sfsb, ejb.ssb, ejb.mdb, ejb.ejb-ref, ejb.env, ejb.finder, ejb.perm
Inside both class and method comment
ejb.sec, ejb.trans
Inside class body
ejb.intf, ejb.lintf, ejb.rintf, ejb.create,, ejb.pfg,

For example:

 * |
public abstract class MyStatelessSessionBean extends javax.ejb.SessionBean

And type ejb.slsb and hit tab, you'll get:

 * @ejb.bean type="Stateless"
 *           name="MyStatelessSessionBean"
 *           jndi-name="ejb/MyStatelessSessionBean"
public abstract class MyStatelessSessionBean extends javax.ejb.SessionBean