Attribute | Description | Required |
classpath | Classpath. | Yes |
classpathref | Classpathref. | Yes |
destdir | Destination directory for output files. | Yes |
excludedtags | Specify tags that should not be automatically written to output files.
The normal behaviour is to include all @ tags from the source file to the
output files. This may cause trouble if you use cvs-like tag like
$Revision: 1.4 $ that will be overwritten at each build and causes a
difference for CVS even if the code himself is not changed. Example:
excludedtags="@version" For excluded tags, ejbdoclet will generate an hardcoded tag. Example: @version XDOCLET 1.0 |
No |
packagenames | Comma separated list of package files (with terminating wildcard). | One or the other |
<fileset/> nested element |
<fileset/> elements which specify which files should
be analyzed. Use it if source and generated files are in one directory, it
prevents ejbdoclet from analyzing the already generated files. Example:
maxmemory | Specify max memory used by the launched javadoc session. | No |
mergedir | Merge directory where ejbdoclet looks for files to be merged with generated files. | No, required, if the merge feature used |
sourcepath | Specify where to find source files. | Yes, unless nested <sourcepath> elements are
present. |
force | Specify if the generation of files should be forced. In normal cases, the timestamp of generated file is checked against the timestamps of the class (and its super classes) we generate from. When this timestamp checking should be bypassed (for example after the installtion of a new xdoclet version) then the user should force the regeneration. The easiest way is to run the Ant build file with a parameter "-Dxdoclet.force=true" and add the option "force=${xdoclet.force}" to the doclet call. | No |
<sourcepath/> | Specify where to find source files. | No |
Executes a template file and generates output from that template. It's useful for cases where you created your own simple external template file and you want to execute it without having to write a xdoclet.SubTask-derived class.
Attribute | Description | Required |
templateFile | Path to the template file. | Yes |
destinationfile | The destination file name. If a {0} is found it's assumed that a per class output generation is needed, so {0} is substituted with class name; otherwise a single file is generated with the specified name. | Yes |
ofType | Applicable only to per class output generation. Specify full qualified class name from which classes should be derived. Output generation is performed only for classes of one of the types defined in this property, it's a comma-separated list. You can control the extent in which the type search occurs by using 'extent' property. | No |
extent | You can control the extent in which the type search occurs.
Valid values are:
There's no distinction between a class and an interface. |
No |
havingClassTag | A class should have the class @tag defined in this property in order to be processed and output generated for. | No |
subTaskClassName | You can specify a user-defined xdoclet.TemplateSubTask-derived class to be used as the subtask class. This way you can derive from one of the built-in classes and override some of its methods and modify it to match your needs. | No |
prefixWithPackageStructure | Applicable only to per class output generation. If true, then output is placed in a directory structure like the package structure. | No |
You can specify user-defined values using any number of configParam nested elements (nested to both subtask and the global task), and use the passed value in your template files.
Attribute | Description | Required |
name | name of the configuration parameter. | Yes |
value | value of the configuration parameter. | Yes |
Like <template/> but the generated stuff is xml and you can validate it according to a DTD. All parameters and nested elements of <template/> are also applicable for <xmlTemplate/>.
Attribute | Description | Required |
templateFile | Path to the template file. | Yes |
destinationfile | The destination file. | Yes |
validateXML | Whether to validate generated xml file or not. False by default. | No |
publicId | The public Id such as -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN. | No |
dtdFileName | The DTD file name and path. | No |